

Comprehensively Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, Portraying a New Blueprint for Rural Revitalization: Chairman Yu Beihua Leads Team for "Double-Hundred" Village-Enterprise Paired Party Building for Rural Revitalization

    As spring arrives, everything comes to life. To thoroughly study, understand and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, as well as General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instruction in rural revitalization, and respond to the call of the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on the Key Work of Pushing Forward All-round Rural Revitalization in 2023 for carrying out the "enterprises invigorating villages" campaign, Yu Beihua, Secretary of the CPC SIG Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, led a team for "double-hundred" village-enterprise paired Party building for rural revitalization. Wu Jun, Vice Secretary of the CPC SIG Committee; Guan Wei, Member of the CPC SIG Committee, Vice President of SIG, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairwoman of Shanghai State-Owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. (SSAM); Ma Haiyan, Member of the CPC SIG Committee and Chairwoman of the Labor Union of SIG; Party members of the CPC Committee and People's Government of Qiubei County, the Shanghai Office in Kunming and SSAM, as well as members of "Sailing" Volunteer Service Team participated in the event.

    After a one-day travel, Yu and his team reached Chushuizhai Village on the morning of March 24, setting foot on the hot land on the heels of spring. They came with problems and hopes, expecting to find out the villagers' needs, and solicit opinions and suggestions from them through a field survey. Upon their arrival at the village committee, Yu and his team held a Party building seminar with heads and Party member representatives of Qiubei County, Yuezhe Town and Chushuizhai Village under the theme of "Comprehensively Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, Portraying a New Blueprint for Rural Revitalization". At the seminar, the two sides discussed deepening the mechanism for normal and long-term Party history learning and education, exchanged their experiences of studying the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, explored the path of rural revitalization based on the actual wishes of locals, planned for a new round of support from 2023 to 2025, and discussed a series of support projects such as incentive for marigold planting, drinking water supply, and the construction of Party building bulletin boards, to enhance ideological guidance to local Party members and people, boost the internal dynamism of rural revitalization, ensure food hygiene for local children, and solve the problem of drinking water. The two sides agreed on promoting the implementation of the key livelihood projects involved in the practice of "doing practical things for the people", to do practical things in mountains, achieve results that satisfy locals, and solve the people's pressing problems and enhance their well-being.

    Guo Yuanhua, a Yunnan-aiding official from Shanghai, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Qiubei County Committee and Deputy Head of Qiubei County, expressed his gratitude to SIG and its subsidiary - SSAM for their strong support to the development of Qiubei and Chushuizhai, hoping that in future rural revitalization, the two sides would strengthen communication and jointly promote rural revitalization to develop Chushuizhai faster and better.

    At the seminar, Yu noted that, based on the requirements of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, as well as the CPC Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of the Shanghai Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, SIG and its subsidiaries will consolidate the outcomes of poverty eradication, uphold the guiding role of Party building, further give play to the linking role of Party building in rural revitalization, build platforms through Party building, leverage the vital role of primary-level Party organizations in the promotion of advanced examples and models, platform building and resources coordination, and promote the deep integration and synchronous development of Party building and paired support. At the same time, they will conduct in-depth studies and accelerate work implementation, and plan for future rural revitalization in an orderly manner.

    Following the seminar, Yu and his team visited the Party building publicity center of Chushuizhai funded by the CPC SSAM Committee. Li Shuangjiang, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Chushuizhai, showed them around new Chushuizhai. During the tour, the visitors inquired about the village's efforts on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in recent years.

    At Chushuizhai Primary School, Yu and his team visited and learned about the bathhouse of love, the book house of love and other results of the paired support in recent years, and walked into classrooms to observe a class meeting themed "Children's love for the Party - Striving to be children with 'four confidences'", and a sneaker graffiti class themed "I love my family - A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step". In the classes, from an ideological perspective, the League members of SSAM and the representatives of "Sailing" Volunteer Service Team guided the local students in firming up their cultural confidence, to sow in their hearts the seeds of love for the country, the Party and the family from childhood, broaden their vision and develop their interest in learning, and left the courseware with local teachers. During the visit, SSAM donated over 530 pairs of Warrior sneakers and Marie's painting tools (both famous Chinese brands in Shanghai) to the school, showing the strong friendship between Shanghai and Yunnan.

    Under the leadership of the CPC SIG Committee, SSAM set up "SSAM Scholarships & Grants" in 2018. This time, SIG's leaders, together with the Yunnan-aiding officials from Shanghai, presented the winners of the 9th "SSAM Scholarships & Grants" at Chushuizhai Primary School. Based on the needs of the school, SIG also donated computers, disinfection cabinets, rice steamers and other practical supplies, to provide educational care, and create a better learning and living environment for the students, thereby motivating local students to study hard to contribute to society and repay their hometown in the future.

   On the afternoon of March 24, SIG's leaders visited needy Party members in Chushuizhai in two groups, presenting cash gifts, inquiring about their living conditions, and wishing them to work harder to build a beautiful home under the leadership of the county government, the town government and the village committee in the new era of rural revitalization.

    Then Yu and his team visited "SSAM Mulberry Field of Love", an industrial revitalization project in Chushuizhai funded by SSAM, inquiring about the income of locals and the future plan of the project.

    They also visited the section of "Lighting Project", a key livelihood project of SSAM involved in the practice of "doing practical things for the people". In the project, a total of 91 road lamps were constructed for 7 local village groups in 2022, showing the brilliant results of the "double-hundred" village-enterprise pairing for rural revitalization and Party building.

    On the morning of March 25, Yu and his team visited an intangible cultural heritage workshop in Qiubei, learning about Qiubei's rich intangible cultural resources and the results of the cultural heritage site visits in the previous years, and observing the production process of embroiderers in the workshop. Based on the "double-hundred" paired support action, SSAM launched  the "Charity · Heritage" cultural heritage program in 2019, and has visited and reported five intangible cultural heritage sites in Qiubei, covering items such as spinning & weaving, bamboo umbrella and string dance since. The program helped locals obtain the status of intangible cultural heritage workshop, the only of its kind in Qiubei, in September 2022, boosting cultural confidence, generating internal dynamism, transforming "the power of fingertip" into the power of revitalization, and making the development results of the intangible cultural heritage workshop benefit the people more.

    Then Yu and his team came to the "live streaming room" funded by SSAM, where SSAM's League members, and the representatives of "Sailing" Volunteer Service Team - Feng Yuwei and Ji Jie, together with local streamers, marketed the featured agricultural products of Qiubei and Chushuizhai through live streaming, to boost online sales of local products.

    Forge ahead to the rhythm of spring. The year 2023 marks the opening year for the implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. As the grand blueprint of advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization is unfolded, SIG will make new achievements in village-enterprise pairing for rural vitalization from the dimensions of Party building, heart-warming support, industrial revitalization and intangible cultural heritage site visit. In the new round of support, under the leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, as well as the CPC Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of SHSASAC, SIG will focus more on "all-round development", "features" and "reform", promote the all-round development of the counterpart counties in terms of industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization and organizational revitalization according to local conditions, thoroughly implement the concept of "boosting internal dynamism by cultural confidence", highlight the traditional cultural advantages of the counterpart counties, focus on promoting rural revitalization by cultural confidence, and vividly interpret the connotation and unique advantages of a Chinese path to modernization.

    In the future, SIG will continue to thoroughly implement the development requirements of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, as well as the CPC Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of SHSASAC, actively serve national strategies and perform corporate social responsibility, constantly deepen cultural and ethical development, comprehensively enhance the soft development power of SIG, push the cultural and ethical development of SSAM to a new level, and forge ahead to embark on a new journey of high-quality development.

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